10 Best Hindi Alphabet Books & Toys for Kids

In today’s market, there are plenty of books and toys available in the market that will tell you how to teach Hindi alphabet to your kids. Seeing so many options, it is obvious for a person to get confused. Parents are sometimes unable to choose between the different options. So, in this article we will talk about the best Hindi alphabet books and toys for kids.

We have already discussed the best English Alphabet Books and Toys for Kids. If you want, you can check out that article for reference. However, Hindi is an entirely different language and as a result has different types of books and toys available in the market.

Best Hindi Alphabet Books and Toys for Kids

The best Hindi Alphabet books and toys for kids would be those that are able to teach Hindi letters to young kids without any difficulty. These books and toys act as a great help for young kids and parents alike. They will help the child learn 11 swar and 41 vyanjan of Hindi language.

Through this article, let us try to find out about the top ten best Hindi alphabet book and toys for young kids. But, before doing that let us talk about our number one choice for Hindi alphabet book and toy.

Our #1 Choice for Book: Hindi Sulekh Pustak
Our number one choice for books is the Hindi Sulekh Pustak. It is an instructive cursive workbook with lots of images. The book has a lot of practice exercises, which will help build the motor skills and pencil-holding abilities of young children.

Our #1 Choice for Toy: MFM Toys Magnetic Wooden Hindi Alphabet and Matras
Our number one choice for Hindi Alphabet toy is the MFM Toys Magnetic Wooden Hindi Alphabet and Matras. This stack of toys has all the three things – varnas, vyanjana and maatras. It helps a child in becoming familiar with Hindi letters.

Best Value Pick: All in One Writing Book
It is an instructive cursive workbook with lots of images. It explains every letter, bit-by-bit. The book is a complete package in itself as it has the elements of all the three subjects- English, Hindi and Maths. All the English alphabet, Hindi alphabet and Maths numbers are given in the book.

Now, let us take a look at the list of the top ten Hindi alphabet books and toys that are quite helpful for young kids.

1. Hindi Sulekh Pustak

This is our number one choice of books for learning Hindi alphabet. This book helps children learn to read and write Hindi letters. Each page of this book is devoted to a particular letter. On each page, there are six lines; out of which three are given for tracing the letters and the remaining three are for writing the letter on his own.

Each letter has an image attached to it that is associated with the word and it will help the child remember the word and letter, both.

How this book helps in learning?

This book helps young learners in memorizing the Hindi letters. Towards the end of the book, a practice exercise is given, which help the parents/ teacher analyse how much has the child learnt. It also helps them write and practice the letters in the ample space given on each page.

  • Best suitable for Age: 3 to 7 years
  • Our Rating: 4.9 out of 5

2. Pratham Hindi Varnmala

This is an interesting book full of fantastic images. Through its colourful images, the book is able to persuade young kids to enhance and improve their vocabulary. All the images in the book are new, different and well researched. The book covers a lot of themes that will help your child remember Hindi letters when he begins his school.

All the content of the book is age appropriate. It has 26 pages and is perfect for a child of pre-nursery. The book is so easily made that the children are able to remember and understand it easily.

How this books help in learning?

This book helps young children in learning Hindi varnmala. It will motivate them to learn and make Hindi words and also the language itself in the long run. It is made on hard board so the young kids will not be able to put it to any harm.

  • Best suitable for Age: 1 to 5 years
  • Our Rating: 4.7 out of 5

3. Sulekh Manika Hindi Handwriting Practice Workbook

It is an amazing workbook for small kids. It teaches them how to write proper Hindi letters in a correct and understandable manner. The pattern writing in the book helps the children learn to write in a proper way within the black and blue lines given.

It also describes all the letters by giving related examples and pictures. Many exercises are also given at the end of the book to check how much has the child learnt.

How this book helps in learning?

The book helps in learning by adopting a unique method for letter formation. The letters, to be written, are written by joining dotted lines and arrows that point towards where to start and about how to write each letters, based on its height and length.

  • Best suitable for Age: 3 to 7 years
  • Our Rating: 4.6 out of 5

4. Hindi Varnmala Chart

This chart acts as a big support and help while trying to teach Hindi varnmala to a young child. It produces a visual impact on the brain of this young child. The chart is laminated, which creates a glossy effect and makes it look beautiful to the child, who is in turn attracted towards the chart and wants to study it.

How this chart helps in learning?

The chart helps the children in learning Hindi letters. All the images related to the letters are clearly given, which makes it easy for the child to learn and understand the letter on his own.

  • Best suitable for Age: 2 to 4 years
  • Our Rating: 4.7 out of 5

5. Meri Pratham Hindi Sulekh Varnmala

It is the best workbook for cursive writing for small kids.  This book will help them develop their Hindi letter writing qualities. By following the given arrow and dotted lines your child will be able to learn how to write the letters in a better manner.

Overwriting the letters and bright pictures help the children remember the letters and their formation too. It also helps them work upon and improve their fine motor skills.

How this book helps in learning?

This book helps young kids in learning to write Hindi letters. It is a perfect book for young beginners, who wish to learn Hindi letters and write them too. The book has relevant images in each line, which attracts the attention of the child.

  • Best suitable for Age: 3 to 7 years
  • Our Rating: 4.8 out of 5

6. Magnetic Wooden Hindi Alphabet and Matras

It is our number one choice of toys for those young children who wish to learn the letters of Hindi while playing. These toys comprise all the letters of Hindi varnmala and make a colourful mess. These toys help a child in recognising the letters, matching them with the matras, and understanding their shapes.

These toys also act as a perfect gift for young kids who love to play with magnets. When kids are able to learn while playing then it becomes double fun for them; so this set is very popular among young kids as well as their parents.

How these toy help in learning?

These toys are magnetic Hindi letters and matras. They help a child in getting to know the shape of various Hindi letters, their matras and also to learn how to form small Hindi words, later on. They encourage young learners to learn and easily identify all the Hindi letters.

  • Best suitable for Age: 2 to 5 years
  • Our Rating: 4.9 out of 5

7. Hindi Learning Varnmala

It is a set of alphabet blocks, which is an absolute favourite of young children. These blocks help young children in learning Hindi letters and small words. The set also help them learn the sequence of the letters. Each block of the set has magnet behind it, which gets fixed easily at a variety of metal items, like fridge, table, chairs, etc.

How this toy helps in learning?

This set of blocks helps young kids in learning the letters and making new and small Hindi words. It acts as an educational puzzle, which young kids would love to solve. They get excited whenever they get any creative work and this set is one such product.

  • Best suitable for Age: 3 to 5 years
  • Our Rating: 4.8 out of 5

8. Hindi Alphabet Flash Cards

It is a box of fun flash cards and children always love to play with such cards. They are quite big in size and can be easily cleaned, as well. They have been properly laminated so that the child does not tear them by mistake.

Each card has a letter written on it in big clear letters and on its back a relevant image along with a word is given. These cards are a good source for teaching young kids as it improves the learning capacity of a child.

How these cards help in learning?

These cards help a child in memorizing the letters as they appeal to the visual aspect of human mind and we are always able to remember what we see for a longer duration as compared to what we read or hear. When they see a letter on a card, they are able to remember the word and image related to it.

  • Best suitable for Age: 3 years and Up
  • Our Rating: 4.8 out of 5

9. Hindi Shabd Rachna

It is an eco-friendly product, which has Hindi letters written on the different tiles. Through it, you can teach Hindi letters as well make words with your child in a fun and interactive way. It teaches word formation in Hindi in an exciting manner.

It improves the child’s Hindi language skills significantly and he/ she is able to make words quite easily on his/ her own, without any assistance.

How this box helps in learning?

This word box helps a child in learning the letters. It also enhances their thinking ability and gross motor skills. This box increases their imaginative and creative skills as they try to think of new words to make from the letters given. It also helps in improving the hand and eye coordination of a child.

  • Best suitable for Age: 2 to 5 years
  • Our Rating: 4.8 out of 5

10. All in One – Writing Book

This is our best value pick book for learning Hindi alphabet. It is an all inclusive book, which basically means it imparts knowledge on all the three subjects- English, Hindi and Maths. The book is a complete package in itself as it has all the capital and small letters of English alphabet, Hindi swars from to ज्ञ and counting numbers from 1 to 100.

The book has many interesting pictures to teach the concept to the children. It teaches children all the topics in an innovative step-by-step manner.

How this book helps in learning?

This book helps young children in learning various letters through many interesting pictures. Dots are given in each line for the child to join and learn to make the letters or numbers. There is a lot of space for the kids to regularly practice until they are able to write the letter or number in a perfect manner.

  • Best suitable for Age: 3 to 5 years
  • Our Rating: 4.9 out of 5

10 Useful Tips for Teaching Hindi Alphabet to Children

All parents/ teachers struggle with making teaching Hindi an interesting subject for young children as it can be a difficult subject to read, learn and understand. Knowing a new language can help enhance your child’s creativity and thoughts.

So, let us try to find some useful tips that will help in teaching Hindi alphabet to young children.

  1. Teaching the sound of the letters: One of the best and most initial ways to teach alphabet is to teach their sounds. If the child is able to understand and remember the sound, then he/ she will easily remember the letter too.
  2. Use Books: Using books to teach and practice the letters is the one of the best ways. You can even use the books mentioned in this article as reference.
  3. Play word game: Give the child a letter and ask them to tell you a word from that letter or vice versa. This will not only help them remember the letters but also enhance their vocabulary. You can take help of our article Easy to Learn Hindi Words for Kids with English Meaning for finding relevant words.
  4. Storybooks: Give the children storybooks related to their age, which will make them read new words and letters and help them learn the letters in a better way. To find age appropriate storybooks, refer to our article Must-Have Hindi Storybooks for Kids.
  5. Cartoons or movies: Show cartoons or movies to young children that will help you teach them letters.
  6. Offer small prizes: Offer some small prizes or rewards to young children. Tell them that whenever they give a right answer they will get a prize, this will keep them motivated and they will be keener to learn and remember.
  7. Conversation: Regularly talk with your child by using the words of the letter you are trying to teach him. This will help him remember the letter as well as learn more words related to the letter.
  8. Give a letter of the day: Each day give a new letter to your child and ask him to use it maximum times while talking. Tell him that he has to use at least ten words starting with that letter on that particular day.
  9. Rapid Fire game: You can play the rapid-fire game with your child where in you will say a letter and your child will have to speak a word starting with that letter. It will sharpen the child’s memory as well as make him a quick thinker.
  10. Constant revision: Keep asking questions related to the different letters at random times, like while playing or travelling. This will help them constantly revise the letters and remember them, as well.

Hindi language is the most commonly spoken language in India and every child should know how to read, speak and write it. Book dedicated to Hindi alphabets act as a big help in teaching children to do. Best Hindi Alphabet Books and toys for kids turn out to be those that are able to teach letters and words to a child without my effort and difficulty.

The best Hindi alphabet books given in this article teach Hindi letters or varnmala through supporting pictures. The children are easily able to identify the letters and words just by looking at the pictures. Through these books, teaching Hindi to kids becomes quite easy.

Learning Hindi is very important for children too as it is the language of exchange is most Indian houses.

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